What are Amphetamines?

What are Amphetamines?

In recent years, amphetamine abuse has become a significant challenge facing Americans of all ages. Amphetamines are prescription medications such as Adderall and drugs used to treat ADHD. They are also found in illicit forms, such as methamphetamine and ecstasy. The safest way to overcome amphetamine addiction is to seek help at a treatment program in Southern California.


What are Amphetamines?

Amphetamines act as central nervous system stimulants meaning their use causes an increase in certain types of brain activity. This results in feelings of higher energy, increased focus, and elevated confidence. Amphetamine use elicit feelings of euphoria depending on the frequency and the amount of dose taken. Amphetamine is not a new drug. However, its stimulant properties were not discovered until the 1900s, when it was first used to treat symptoms of nasal congestion.


Today, amphetamines are used to treat a variety of conditions. Most notably, they remain a frequently prescribed drug for the treatment of hyperactivity in adolescents and teens (including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and in the treatment of narcolepsy. Occasionally, mental and medical health professionals may prescribe amphetamines to treat depression.


Are Amphetamines Dangerous?

Many people are first introduced to amphetamines for legitimate medical, typically as a treatment for a mental health condition such as ADHD. When used as prescribed, they can be beneficial components of a comprehensive treatment program. For some, however, the powerful effects of amphetamines lead to misuse and, inevitably, addiction. In time, untreated addiction can lead to permanent, sometimes fatal physical health consequences.


Which Drugs are Amphetamines?

Several prescription medicines contain amphetamine or its two active components. The most well-known include Adderall, Dexedrine, and various generic ADHD medications. Adderall is a prescription medication used primarily to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in narcolepsy. Adderall has high abuse potential and increased potential for addiction. Those who use it long-term may find it difficult to quit due to physical changes in the brain caused by the drug.


Dexedrine is another stimulant-type drug used to treat behavioral disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The action of Dexedrine in the body is similar to that of cocaine but longer-lasting. For this reason, it is frequently misused and abused due to the euphoric high it can create and the energy and confidence-boosting effects it has on the individual.


How Do Amphetamines Impact the Body?

Amphetamine use can cause physical and functional changes in the brain. Specifically, amphetamines can alter the brain’s pleasure response. They work within the brain to destroy the pleasure receptors and decrease the body’s ability to feel pleasure naturally, without using the drug. As pleasure receptors disappear, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to feel pleasure without being high.


Along with dangerous short-term side effects, long-term amphetamine abuse can have an irreversible physical impact on the body. Abuse of amphetamines can lead to a risk of cardiovascular difficulties, including heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. As previously mentioned, amphetamine use can destroy the brain’s grey matter and dopamine receptors (pleasure receptors). This drastically changes brain function and affects your ability to stop using without help and comprehensive addiction treatment.


Other effects of amphetamine use include weight loss, appetite changes, elevated body temperature, flushed skin, heart problems, restlessness, memory problems, stroke, mood and behavior changes, tremors, skin sores, tooth decay (meth mouth), problems sleeping and death.


How to Find Amphetamine Addiction Treatment in Southern California

Due to the changes amphetamines produce in the brain, treatment for amphetamine addiction can be complex. Sometimes, loss of pleasure and overwhelming depression that occur as one reduces and eventually stops taking the drug can be a significant challenge when trying to avoid relapse. Despite the challenges, several evidence-based therapies have been used successfully as part of a comprehensive treatment program to treat amphetamine addiction.


Therapy aims to help you understand and adjust your behaviors based on the unique triggers and circumstances that drive you to use. Some of the most commonly used treatments include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Depending on what works best for you, these therapies can occur in individual and group settings.


Laguna View Detox is a luxury rehab in Southern California, providing inpatient treatment and detox in Laguna Beach, CA.


If you or a loved one has an addiction to amphetamines and you are ready to take your first steps towards sobriety, contact a member of our admissions team today to learn more about detox and amphetamine addiction treatment in Southern California.

How Can Depression Worsen Addiction?

How Can Depression Worsen Addiction?

Many people misunderstand depression, viewing it only as a feeling of sadness that most people will feel after an adverse event occurs in their life. Still, clinical depression is a much more severe problem, with roughly 50% of women and between 30 and 40% of men struggling with depression at some point in their lives. What’s more, 32% of people who struggle with depression have a co-occurring problem with addiction. So, can depression worsen addiction? Is there any relationship between depression and addiction? 


What are the Signs of Depression?

According to the DSM-5, diagnostic criteria for depression, signs for major depression include:

  • Depressed mood
  • Problems sleeping, such as hypersomnia or insomnia
  • Prolonged fatigue or complete lack of energy
  • Diminished ability to concentrate, think, or make decisions
  • Feelings of guilt, worthless, or helplessness
  • Significant weight problems, such as weight gain or loss
  • Diminished interest in activities that once brought joy
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide


For various depressive disorders, these symptoms appear a set amount of time, such as five or more of the symptoms listed above continuing for more than two weeks for major depressive disorder, and three or more of the symptoms listed above continuing for more than two weeks for minor depressive disorder. Usually, the signs of depression are so severe that they interfere with daily life. But how can depression worsen addiction too?


How are Depression and Addiction-Related?

Depression and addiction are often related in that people who struggle with depression try to self-medicate. This form of self-medication results in dependence. The more someone uses drugs or alcohol to change their mood and alleviate their symptoms of depression, the worse the depression and substance abuse become long-term.


When someone struggles with depression, they often have a chemical imbalance in the brain, possible trauma, or a family history of depression. When they turn to alcohol or drugs to help alleviate their symptoms, it only works temporarily. Long-term, drugs, and alcohol also change brain chemistry leading to more considerable imbalances. Someone who already struggles with an imbalance can make depression worse. So when depressive episodes arise down the line, they become more intense, take place more often, or manifest with more symptoms. This means more drugs and alcohol are needed to achieve the same effect.  


Conversely, depression and addiction can be related in other ways. Someone who doesn’t have a pre-existing condition of depression might find that the chemical changes to their brain brought about by addiction can lead to imbalances that cause symptoms and signs of depression throughout prolonged substance abuse. So, someone struggling with substance abuse might find that they are also struggling with depression over a few months. And this leads to the vicious cycle of self-medication by increasing drug and alcohol consumption, only to find that the symptoms of depression worsen with time.


How Can Depression Worsen Addiction?

Depression and substance abuse have a particularly complicated relationship. For that reason, many people wonder, “can depression worsen addiction” and the answer is: yes. Depression can worsen addiction by encouraging higher use of drugs and alcohol, all in an attempt to diminish the signs of depression. The more depressed someone is, the more they will use drugs and alcohol to “solve” their problems. Undiagnosed conditions aren’t treated with the proper medications, so the situation is worsened with substance abuse. This makes the addiction stronger. Soon, codependency is developed where individuals suffering from depression only know how to pause their symptoms with substance abuse rather than self-care or medications. 


How to Find Treatment for Depression and Addiction

To find treatment for depression and addiction, you need to locate a program specializing in coexisting conditions. Sometimes called dual diagnosis, specialized facilities like Laguna View Detox have the tools and the therapy programs to treat depression and addiction simultaneously rather than only focusing on one.


Finding treatment requires a personalized program to have the highest chance of success. No two people struggle with addiction or depression in the same way. For some people, depression might be genetic, while it could be a symptom of prolonged substance abuse for others. For that reason, a personalized treatment program at a luxury facility can help you understand factors that have contributed to your addiction and identify the underlying causes of your depression. Our inpatient residential programs utilize world-class methods to help you change the way your brain is structured, going back to a healthier state. Our continuing aftercare programs keep you connected to the recovery community as you continue to treat things like depression with medication Management in ongoing therapy.

Let Laguna View Detox help you with individualized treatment programs to treat your depression and addiction.

What is Xanax Used For?

What is Xanax Used For?

If you or someone you love has a Xanax prescription, it’s important that you understand how powerful this medication is, its addictive properties, and the signs of Xanax withdrawal so that you can get help from a Xanax detox program when the time is right.


What is Xanax?

Xanax is a prescription medication. It is categorized as a benzodiazepine. This type of medication is used for many mental health problems and detox treatments like alcohol withdrawal treatment. That said, what is Xanax used for?


What is Xanax Used For?

So, what does Xanax treat, and how does Xanax help people? Xanax is used to treat anxiety disorders, panic attacks, insomnia, muscle spasms, and withdrawal symptoms from alcohol. It can help people when used in small amounts and accordingly to prescriptions given by a doctor.


Xanax changes the amount of GABA produced in your brain. This is a very important chemical that helps you do things like fall asleep or calm down. If your body doesn’t produce the right amount, naturally, prescriptions for things like Xanax can help. However, any medication or drug that you take regularly will have a profound impact on the natural levels in your body of a particular chemical or substance or how your body functions. 


Taking hormone supplements, for example, changes the amount of hormones your body naturally produces, just the same as taking too many antacid pills after every meal can change the natural regulation of acid in your stomach. Xanax is no exception. The more you take, the more it disrupts your natural production of GABA, and the more you might struggle without it. This can lead to addiction.


Is Xanax Addictive?

Even if you know the answers to questions like “what does Xanax treat” and “how does Xanax help people,” you might still find yourself wondering about its addictive properties. 


There are plenty of situations where someone is given a prescription for Xanax. In fact, in 2018, there were 21 million prescriptions given out for Xanax. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it is entirely safe or it doesn’t have any addictive properties.


Like many benzodiazepines, Xanax is addictive. Your body develops a tolerance to Xanax rather quickly, which means if you use more than is prescribed or you use a prescription for too long, your body becomes accustomed to the drug so much that you find it hard to sleep, you’re overwhelmed with anxiety without it.


Xanax is so addictive that it has become a problem not just for people with prescriptions but for family members like teenagers who can easily get into a medicine cabinet. New studies confirm that Xanax addiction is one of the biggest problems today, and emergency room visits because of Xanax abuse have more than doubled over the last ten years.


Addiction manifests in many forms like:

  • Using more than you are supposed to
  • Mood changes
  • Cravings
  • Shaking
  • Withdrawal symptoms


What are the Signs of Xanax Withdrawal?

Understanding the answer to questions like “what is Xanax used for” extends to understanding the signs of withdrawal. Once you become addicted to Xanax, you might experience increased levels of anxiety, insomnia, or panic attacks that your prescription was meant to control. When you start to wean yourself off of Xanax, you will experience withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Irritability
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Dry heaving
  • Palpitations
  • Restlessness
  • Shaking
  • Anxiety 


However, working with a reputable detox program can give you medical supervision and medications to ease the discomfort of these withdrawal symptoms. 


How to Find Xanax Detox Programs in Laguna Beach, CA

Now that you know answers to questions like “what is Xanax used for,” you might realize that it is time to get some help. You can find Xanax detox programs to do just that. 


At Laguna View Detox, we can create an individualized treatment program paste on your Xanax use and give you a supervised detox program. We give you a safe, secure environment where you can undergo medication-assisted detox, after which you can participate in our residential treatment programs that include evidence-based practices and holistic treatments necessary to ground you in a successful foundation for long-term recovery. 


Our luxury rehab center helps you achieve total mind and body wellness and long-term sobriety, both of which begin with proper detox. Let us help you live the sober, dignified life you deserve.

If you are ready to find a proper Xanax detox program in Laguna Beach, Laguna View Detox can give you a comfortable, peaceful environment and the support of staff.

What is Oxycodone?

What is Oxycodone?

With so many prescription drugs out there, many people ask: what is oxycodone? And what is oxycodone used for? It can be difficult to understand all the different prescription drugs, how they work on the body, and what leads to addiction. 


What is Oxycodone?

So, what is oxycodone, and what is oxycodone used for? Oxycodone is a prescription painkiller usually reserved for situations where other opioid treatment isn’t enough. Oxycodone is actually a narcotic analgesic which is a group of pain medications that don’t interfere with the brain’s pain receptors but instead work on the central nervous system.


But what is oxy? It is the same thing. “Oxy” is a shortened form of “oxycodone.” Oxycodone is found in prescription drugs like Percocet and oxycontin. Oxycodone is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs in America.


What is Oxycodone Used For?

Oxycodone is used for significant pain relief. Most people are given prescriptions for time-release capsules or tablets that provide just enough pain medicine for a short amount of time. Oxycodone is often prescribed for people recovering from surgery. It can also be prescribed for other medical situations where opioid-based pain relievers don’t work. This might be because of an addiction, previous addiction, tolerance, or even allergies.


Is Oxycodone Addictive?

Now that you know the answers to “what is oxy” and “what is oxycodone,” you might still wonder: is it addictive? 


Yes. Like any drug, if you use oxycodone for a long time, you can become addicted. Most people who struggle with oxycodone addiction started with a prescription medication for a legitimate medical reason, but as their body developed a higher tolerance for the drug, they started taking higher and higher doses in order to get the same physical pain relief. 

Recreation or Prescription

People who start using oxycodone, even with a prescription, might not notice how quickly they become addicted. It starts with taking more oxycodone than you were prescribed, using your pills to help you when you’re having a bad day or using your pills at parties or with friends.


Then you start to experience withdrawal symptoms. Once this happens, you get cravings to use more oxycodone when you are sober, and you just don’t feel at ease or normal when you aren’t using the truck. At this point, you typically need more oxycodone in order to get the same high. 


Then comes the addiction. This is usually when you have started prioritizing your drug use above everything else, leaving behind your work, school, or personal obligations. You might allow your personal health and your personal relationships to worsen, endanger yourself, or struggle financially because you put all of your money into trying to get more oxycodone.


Physical dependence on oxycodone can lead to significant withdrawal symptoms, especially if you suddenly stop taking medicine. If you are prescribed oxycodone, doctors will usually recommend that you gradually reduce the dosage you take over a longer length of time before you stop taking the drug entirely so as to prevent these significant withdrawal symptoms.


However, many people who struggle with oxycodone addiction don’t have this luxury, and that is where finding an addiction treatment center is so important.


How to Find Oxycodone Addiction Treatment in Laguna Beach, CA

Suppose you are ready to get help for your addiction. In that case, you can find oxycodone addiction treatment close to home, located in supportive natural environments that give you an opportunity to turn your attention Inward and truly focus on rebuilding yourself and living your best life. Good oxycodone addiction treatment centers will undergo initial evaluations to make sure that they aren’t just treating the symptoms of oxycodone addiction, but they are identifying the underlying causes that may have led to your addiction in the first place and helping you develop long-term life skills to combat these causes and triggers. 


Laguna Beach has a fully dedicated staff if you are looking for treatment. Laguna View Detox answers questions like “what is oxycodone,” how addiction treatment works, and the best coping skills you can take with you along your journey to sobriety. Our luxury drug and alcohol rehab doesn’t settle for one-size-fits-all methods of recovery. We provide customized solutions for each patient that helps you maintain your dignity, treat your mind and body as one, and realize your infinite potential. 


Reach out to us today for help with your addiction. At Laguna View Detox, we are here to help treat oxycodone addiction and more.

Signs a Loved One is Abusing Prescription Drugs

Signs a Loved One is Abusing Prescription Drugs

Are you worried that a loved one is abusing prescription drugs? If so, you probably want to know the signs of a loved one abusing prescription drugs and what you can do to help them move forward.


Are Prescription Drugs Addictive?


Before you can recognize the signs a loved one is abusing prescription drugs, you probably want to know if prescription drugs are addictive. The short answer is yes. Many prescription drugs come with serious risks and side effects, one of which is addiction. Medications like benzodiazepines given to treat sleep disorders or anxiety and opioids provided to treat pain have severe risks of addiction.


Prescription Drug Commonly Abused


There is a wide range of prescription drugs commonly abused.


The first category includes depressants. Depressants are typically prescribed to help with sleep problems or severe anxiety. Depressants actually slow down your brain anxiety. Depressants include barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and sleep medications. These include Valium, Xanax, Klonopin, Ambien, Lunesta, and Nembutal.

Opioids and Morphine Derivatives

The second category includes all opioids and morphine derivatives. Opioids and morphine derivatives are typically prescribed for pain management or sedation. By design, they are used to block pain signals between your brain and your body to help treat chronic or severe pain after an injury or surgery. The most common include codeine, which is even used in Tylenol or Robitussin. Other medications in this category include morphine and methadone, Fentanyl, and opioid pain relievers. Opioid pain relievers include oxymorphone, propoxyphene, hydrocodone, and oxycodone. The prescription names for these drugs include Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicodin, Tylox, Darvocet, and Opana.


The third category includes amphetamines and Methylphenidate. You might be prescribed Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, or Dexedrine. These types of stimulants are usually prescribed to create conditions like narcolepsy or ADHD. By design, they increase your attention, your energy, and your alertness. 


The other category includes dextromethorphan, which is usually found in cold medications and cough syrups. This category of drug is available over-the-counter, and it can affect the same areas of the brain as ketamine or PCP.


Signs of Prescription Drug Abuse


The signs of prescription drug abuse will vary based on the type of drug being abused.





Drowsiness Constipation Increased alertness
Confusion Nausea Anxiety
Slurred speech Slowed breathing Agitation
Poor concentration Drowsiness Reduced appetite
Problems with memory Poor coordination Insomnia
Slowed breathing Increased dose requirement for pain management High blood pressure or irregular heartbeat
Dizziness Confusion Paranoia
Unsteady walking Increased sensitivity to pain High body temperature


There are many other signs shared across all prescription drug categories. For example, you might notice your loved one no longer engaging in hobbies or activities they once loved. You might see your loved ones pulling away from those they were once close to and avoiding responsibilities at work or in school.


Other shared signs include behavioral changes like severe mood swings or sudden changes to their personality. You might notice illegal behavior like stealing or other destructive decisions. If your family member continually loses their prescription or goes to more than one doctor to get prescriptions, or you notice your drugs are missing as well, that might be a sign of prescription drug abuse. Sleep problems, appetite problems, both of which can go severely up or down, as well as erratic energy or sedation, are often associated with signs of prescription drug abuse.


So what are the signs a loved one is abusing prescription drugs? They can be behavioral or psychological as well as physical. 


Prescription Drug Abuse Treatment in Laguna Beach, CA


If you recognize the signs a loved one is abusing prescription drugs, it might be time to encourage them to get professional help. Laguna View Detox is a comprehensive rehabilitation center that can give your loved ones medically-assisted detox programs to help them flush their body of any remaining prescription drug and manage their withdrawal symptoms. After completing this initial step, our trained professionals can help your loved ones cope with their cravings through regular therapies and holistic activities like horseback riding on the beach, hiking, yoga, meditation, and other similar therapies. 


Our goal is to help your loved ones cultivate the long-term skills they need to manage their cravings, avoid addiction in the future, and find alternative ways to cope with stress, anxiety, depression, or anger that led them to abuse prescription drugs in the first place.

Let Laguna View Detox help you and your loved ones with prescription drug abuse. Reach out to us today.

How to Detox from Meth

How to Detox from Meth

For those struggling with a meth addiction, the pull to continue using the drug can be so severe that it can completely destroy your body, your mental health, and ultimately, your life. Although overcoming a meth addiction is not an easy task, it’s something that can be accomplished with the proper help in a supportive environment. At Laguna View Detox, a luxury detox program in Southern California, individuals struggling with meth and other drug and alcohol addictions can 

receive the help they need with a staff of trained professionals who truly understand the ins and outs of addiction, and can get started on the path toward recovery and healing. 

What is Meth? 

Methamphetamine, also known as meth or crystal meth, is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Meth use produces feelings of euphoria and increased energy due to a rush of dopamine – a chemical that’s responsible for inducing feelings of pleasure, increasing memory retention, and reward processing. Meth use, however, produces a level of dopamine that is much higher than the natural levels produced by the brain. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, meth has been classified as a Schedule II stimulant, which makes it legally available only through a medical prescription. Used in limited cases to treat ADHD, the prescribed dose of methamphetamine is far lower than the dosage usually used during substance abuse. 

Signs of a Meth Addiction 

Because of meth’s highly addictive nature, it takes an incredible toll on the body and the brain which often leads to visible signs of a meth addiction. These signs can include: 

  • Hyperactivity 
  • Physical symptoms, such as dilated pupils, skin sores, rapid eye movements, rotting teeth, extreme and sudden weight loss, and the presence of burns on the skin 
  • Facial tics and twitching 
  • A change in personality including mood swings and agitation 
  • Erratic sleeping patterns or a noticeable lack of sleep 

Long-term meth use can also lead to very serious health issues including liver and kidney damage, heart damage, and many psychological effects including depression, anxiety, hallucinations, and paranoia. If you or a loved one is exhibiting signs of a meth addiction, know that help is out there and detox from meth may be the best next step. 

How to Detox from Meth

If you are looking to get meth out of your system, it’s imperative to detox safely, as the effects of withdrawal and detox from meth can be extremely dangerous if not done under medical supervision. An unsupervised detox from meth can produce symptoms that are extremely uncomfortable and often require medical attention or will set you up for a quick relapse. Instead, facilities that specialize in drug detoxification, like our state-of-the-art facility in Orange County, allow you to rid the body of meth while helping you to safely navigate the withdrawal phase and help you to minimize the effects of detoxification on the body. 

Laguna View Detox Can Help 

Struggling with a meth addiction can be difficult on both the mind and the body. It’s important to remember that even for those with a severe addiction, detox from meth is possible and you can recover to live a healthier, happier life. At Laguna View Detox, we know just how important the detox process is, which is why we provide a safe and luxurious environment to help you break the cycle of being in and out of treatment. If you are ready to take the next step to break your addiction to meth, contact us today and we’ll help you begin your journey toward healing.

How Long Is a 12-Step Rehab Program?

How Long Is a 12-Step Rehab Program?

It’s nearly impossible to explore your options for rehab without hearing about 12-step rehab programs. You may have thought that going to rehab would eliminate the need for attending any 12-step peer recovery group meetings, but that’s not always true. Many treatment facilities include 12-step meetings in treatment as a way to ensure you have support available when you leave rehab. Your aftercare planning begins the day that you start treatment. You may wonder how long is a 12-step rehab program, and the good news is that it’s the same length as other rehab programs. At Laguna View Detox, we understand the importance of creating a plan for living sober after rehab, and that’s why we incorporate 12-step recovery groups in our rehab programs.  

What Is a 12-Step Rehab Program?

A 12-step recovery program is a rehab program that includes 12-step peer support recovery meetings into the overall programs. In addition, such programs continue to offer other therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and other forms of individual therapy. Additionally, you can expect to participate in skills and process groups such as life skills, nutrition, fitness, and more. While it may seem that 12-step recovery and rehab are two separate paths in recovery, the truth is that they can be joined for your benefit. If you’re wondering how long is a 12-step rehab program, know that participating in 12-step recovery in rehab adds no time to your treatment. Instead, it just adds more depth and more options.

Why Laguna View Detox Offers 12-Step Support Groups to Clients

Laguna View Detox incorporates 12-step recovery groups into our rehab programs so that our clients have an opportunity to begin working on their aftercare plans from the beginning. While it’s not easy to get sober, it is a little more manageable within the confines of a treatment facility where there is no alcohol present. When you leave treatment, you will find yourself having to walk or drive past liquor stores, bars, and other establishments where alcohol is served. We encourage participation in 12-step recovery peer support group meetings during rehab so that you can begin to build a support network for life after rehab. By attending meetings, you will meet and build relationships with others who have already forged a path in recovery. You’ll also learn what it’s like to participate in a meeting, making it far less intimidating to go to one after rehab. Twelve-step recovery may not end up being the cornerstone of your recovery, but it can be an essential piece of your toolkit. 

Get Help at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, we understand addiction, and we know how to enable you to find your way out.  We are equipped to help you safely break free drugs and alcohol.  We offer round-the-clock care in a luxurious, inpatient treatment setting in one of the most beautiful areas in California. We’ll ensure you detox safely and help you build a new sober life. Our committed and compassionate staff are some of the best in the industry, and they’ll work with you to create an individualized, holistic treatment plan. 


We understand the interplay between mental health and addiction and are here to help. We also understand the importance of helping you build a support network for when you leave treatment; it’s why 12-step recovery is an integral part of our rehab programs. We will care for you while you safely detox and then guide you through inpatient treatment and aftercare. So contact us today and let us help you break free from addiction!  

What Happens in Rehab?

What Happens in Rehab?

Many people struggle with addiction. Some want to overcome their addiction, but it’s difficult for them to take the first step in getting help. They may be dealing with stigmas, or they may be reluctant to admit they have a problem. But a lot of them may be hesitant because they don’t know what to expect from the rehab process. 


This article gives you a good idea of what happens in rehab so you know exactly what’s ahead of you. 


Signs of Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Let’s start by talking about the signs that may be telling you that you need help. 


For a lot of people, alcohol and drug use starts out as a recreational activity. But signs of dependency kick in when they need to take more of the drug to get the same effects. Eventually, they will need to use drugs and alcohol just to feel normal. 


Once an addiction forms, there will be other side effects that manifest on a physical, emotional and behavioral level. Here are some examples: 


  • Mood swings
  • Troubled relationships
  • Legal issues
  • Financial issues
  • Health issues such as heart conditions
  • Lack of self care


What Happens in Rehab?

There are various types of rehabs including outpatient and inpatient programs. 


Inpatient programs typically start with detox which involves the patient allowing their body to rid itself of harmful toxins. During this time, they will experience withdrawal symptoms but a medical staff will be on hand to administer medications and make sure they stay as comfortable as possible. This will also supervise the process to help prevent relapse. 


Once detox is completed, patients move on to the therapy phase. Therapists will evaluate the patient’s mental and physical health to determine the underlying cause of dependency. Then they will decide on a treatment plan that’s right for them.


Treatment plans will vary but ultimately, they will aim to get to the root of the problem and come up with healthy coping mechanisms that replace the urge to use. 


The final stage is outpatient treatment. During this phase, the patient gradually adjusts to the real world getting the support they need to maintain sobriety. 


Some patients choose outpatient as their main form of treatment rather than a follow up treatment. If this is the case, they will go about their daily lives while going to therapy sessions as needed. This option is not recommended for those suffering from a severe addiction.


The environment at rehab facilities changes from place to place. Some are luxury and some provide a comfortable, homey environment. Each aims to offer patients a soothing atmosphere where they can reflect on their lives and overcome their demons. 


Why You Should Go to Rehab if You’re Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol

Many people start off using drugs and alcohol recreationally, but when addiction kicks in, it’s time to get help. Addiction leads to troubled relationships, legal issues, financial issues and health issues. People that are addicted are rarely happy and experience a low quality of life. 


Some people try to overcome addiction on their own but they are often unsuccessful. They try to wean themselves off drugs and alcohol, but the symptoms of withdrawal get to be too much. 


Even if they successfully pass the detox stage, they are unable to deal with the demons that caused them to turn to drugs, so they end up going back to using. 


They are also likely to fall in with the ‘old crowd’ consisting of the people they did drugs with in the past. Without the support of therapy, it is difficult for them to resist temptation. 


Getting rehab is the best option for getting sober and staying sober. If you are ready to take that step, call Laguna View Detox today. We will give you the support you need to move forward with this next stage of your life. 

Is Adderall a Methamphetamine?

Is Adderall a Methamphetamine?

Adderall is a type of medication used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is made up of the four salts of amphetamine. It contains equal parts dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, central nervous system stimulants that affect the chemicals in the brain. 


Methamphetamine is a highly addictive system that affects the nervous system. It is chemically related to amphetamine. We often hear about people who have meth addictions that greatly reduce quality of life. 


When we consider the ingredients and properties of Adderall and compare them to methamphetamine, we see a lot of similarities. So is Adderall a methamphetamine? Read on to find out. 


Is Adderall Methamphetamine?

The short answer is no, Adderall is not methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is an addictive stimulant. It is not used to treat any sort of medical condition. When taken, it causes a rush that makes people want more of it. Those that take it long term will experience extreme mental and physical health problems.


Adderall is a prescription drug that is made to increase focus. It is used to boost concentration in people with ADHD. It can also be used to treat narcolepsy as it helps people stay awake. 


Although Adderall and methamphetamine are very different, people confuse the two because they are both stimulants and they are both related to amphetamine. However, methamphetamine is much more dangerous because more of the drug gets to the brain producing harmful side effects. 


The Dangers of Abusing Adderall

Even though Adderall is much less addictive than methamphetamine, there is the possibility that an addiction may form. Students often use it as a study companion because it boosts focus. In time, they become dependent on the drug and require more of it to get the same effects. 


At first, Adderall may provide stimulating results. Those who use it will feel more social and more insightful. They will have increased illusions of wellness.


But in time, harmful side effects will start to kick in. These include the following:


  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of sexual interest
  • Headaches 
  • Constipation 
  • Diarrhea


If use continues, it can lead to even more several symptoms like: 


  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Exhaustion
  • Numbness in the exterior body parts
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Slowed speech
  • Changes in vision
  • Lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart and respiratory issues
  • Seizures
  • Blistering of the skin
  • Swelling of the throat or facial features


How to Get Help With an Adderall Addiction

An Adderall addiction can greatly reduce quality of life, but there are ways to get help. The most effective treatment may be an inpatient rehab


The process begins with an assisted detox. This involves the patient allowing their body to become cleansed from harmful toxins. They are supervised throughout to ensure they are as comfortable as possible, and that relapse does not occur. 


Next, a customized therapy plan is worked out. The form of treatment may differ, but the goal is to target the underlying cause of addiction and replace harmful habits with healthy coping mechanisms. 


Once inpatient rehab is completed, patients move on to an outpatient program. During this time, they gradually adjust to sober living while keeping up with regular therapy visits. 


There are many inpatient rehab facilities located throughout the country, but Laguna View Detox offers an experience that sets us apart. We take a mind-body approach and believe a balance is essential in overcoming addiction. We offer a luxury setting and the best clinical team members in the industry. 


So, is Adderall a methamphetamine? The answer is no, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t dangerous and addictive. If you or a loved one is dependent on Adderall, stop the cycle today. Call Laguna View Detox for the help you need in moving forward. 


Can I Pay for Drug Rehab with Magellan Insurance?

Can I Pay for Drug Rehab With Magellan Insurance?

We at Laguna View Detox know that addiction can be a scary thing to deal with. Added to the life-altering effects of the addiction is the hesitance to get treatment. Getting the right treatment can be the difference between finally beating the addiction and getting on the path to recovery and continuing to struggle with this terrible disease. 

However, many people are reluctant to get treatment because they fear the cost will be too much of a burden or that their insurance won’t cover the cost of treatment. We’re here to help you find the right means to pay for treatment so that you can get the help you need to overcome your addiction. 

Many insurance companies now offer a number of different options for seeking treatment for addiction. Understanding the plans and programs that your insurance company provides can help you get the treatment you need without worrying about the cost.

Does Magellan Health Insurance Pay for Drug Rehab? 

Fortunately, Magellan Health Insurance does offer plans that will cover all or part of your drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment. Every insurer has different levels of coverage as well as service providers. Depending on the plan you have you may not have to pay anything for your treatment. 

Magellan offers addiction treatment coverage through its employee assistance program plan called LifeResources. Through this program, customers may be provided with a variety of coverage options for detoxification, outpatient treatment, inpatient rehabilitation stays, and even luxury rehabilitation stays. 

Your first step is to get a referral from a medical professional for treatment. Like most insurance companies, you’ll want to find out what doctors and treatment centers are within your coverage network. Insurance companies partner with groups of medical service providers in order to provide more affordable healthcare coverage. 

You can find out from your provider what doctors and centers are covered and work with an agent to get the consultation you need to begin treatment. In most cases, Magellan drug rehab coverage will cover 100% of the costs associated with treatment once you get it approved. This usually only requires a single visit to a doctor to determine the type of treatment that is necessary. 

What Are the Benefits of Going to Drug Rehab? 

The primary benefit of going to a drug rehab treatment center like Laguna View Detox is that you get quality medical treatment for your addiction in a safe and comfortable environment where our only priority is your recovery. 

Our luxury accommodation ensures that you are welcomed into a stress-free environment that prioritizes individualized treatment that is designed to maximize success and reduce the chances of relapse. By using your Magellan drug rehab coverage, you can take the weight of financing off of your shoulders and focus on getting and staying sober.  

The recovery process typically starts with an evaluation of the person followed by detoxification. Detox is the first step in beginning your treatment plan by removing the harmful and addictive drug from your system. We have medical experts that monitor patients around the clock to make the detox process as safe and comfortable as possible. 

Our residential inpatient treatment is centered on getting you well and treating the addiction as well as the factors that led to it. By working with the person on behavior modification and positive reinforcement, we help to break the chains of addiction and promote a healthy lifestyle that will continue long after treatment ends. 

Once treatment ends and clients are ready to leave, we provide them with the tools necessary to cope with daily stressors and remain sober. Our goal is to help clients achieve a lasting recovery. 

How Laguna View Detox Can Help With Addiction Today

By partnering with your Magellan drug rehab coverage, Laguna View Detox provides you with the option for the rehab treatment you need and deserve. Our luxury inpatient care is the best way to take you out of your substance abuse lifestyle and put you on a sustainable path to recovery. 

Don’t let the fear of treatment stop you from getting well. We are here for you when you need us. Contact us today to start your healing process.