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How to Avoid Relapsing From Drugs and Alcohol

October 30, 2020
Home » How to Avoid Relapsing From Drugs and Alcohol

You’ve gone to treatment, done the work, and gotten sober. You may be feeling a tremendous sense of accomplishment, an overwhelming sense of fear, or a combination of both.  Having likely heard the stories of others relapsing, you’re also probably wondering how to avoid relapsing. At Laguna View Detox, we know better than most that addiction treatment doesn’t end when you leave treatment, and we’re here to support you as you navigate life sober. 

What Is A Relapse?

A relapse, quite simply, is a return to using drugs. It may be a one-time slip, or it may be a full return to life before sobriety. Researchers see relapse as a process rather than a single event. 

 There is often a return to the behaviors we had during active addiction long before we ever pick up a drug during a relapse. 

Does Everyone Relapse?

While not everyone relapses, it is common.  Some studies show relapse rates to be higher than 75% within the first year of sobriety.  Still, this does not mean that relapse is necessary.  Relapse is a slippery slope and can sometimes even be controversial within the recovery community. Some may think that relapse requires completely starting over, while others believe it to be a bump in the road.  However you see relapse, it is essential to note that relapse can be dangerous or even fatal. Because of this, it is critical to have a drug relapse prevention plan.

Relapse Prevention Strategies and Techniques

In nearly all recovery programs and treatment facilities, you will hear that the key to drug relapse prevention is changing people, places, and things. The reason for all of this change is to create a life that doesn’t tempt or require you to use drugs to live. When you decide to stop using drugs, your friends who use drugs might not make that decision with you. Once you’re clean and sober, you may find that you don’t have much common ground.  You also may not want to visit the same places you visited when using.  Instead, you will want to explore new places and new activities to enjoy sober.  Just imagine if you were trying to give up doughnuts; you would likely stop going to the doughnut shop to reduce the chances of having a doughnut. 

A drug relapse prevention plan isn’t just about changing things up, it is also about recognizing that things will happen that may cause you to want to use them.  Whether we get sober or not, life still keeps happening and the feelings will come. When we’re using, we numb those feelings and may have forgotten how to respond when they arrive. If we do the work when things are good, we’ll be that much more prepared when life throws us the inevitable curveball. 

Relapse prevention may include things like having someone to call when the urge to use crops up, attending recovery meetings, and seeing a therapist regularly. Getting sober is like building the foundation of a home.  All of the work we do while sober, especially having a relapse prevention plan is like building the walls and putting on a roof so we have a home we can live in. 

Get Help Today at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, you will get round the clock holistic care for your addiction.  We are one of the leading drug rehab centers in Orange County, California. We provide luxurious, individualized inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in Southern California. We remain dedicated to helping you get and stay sober.  We help you to succeed by providing you with the care you need while you’re with us and setting you up for continued success with our aftercare. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!  

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