Preparing Yourself for the Holidays and Addiction Triggers

Preparing Yourself for the Holidays and Addiction Triggers

Staying sober can be a challenge, and that is never more true than during the holidays.  From October to January, the world may feel like a field filled with holiday trigger recovery landmines. Time with relatives, dealing with strained relationships, and holiday parties can be very overwhelming. You might be wondering how in the world anyone stays sober during this time, but at Laguna View Detox, we’re here to help you see that the holidays and relapse do not have to go hand in hand. 

Why Holidays and Relapse Often Go Hand in Hand

Holidays and relapse often go hand in hand because the holidays are filled with a lot of stress.  Right or wrong, the holidays are often a time of financial stress for many of us as we feel obligated to buy presents we may not be able to afford.  Spending money we don’t have and straining our budgets is but one of the holiday stressors.  We may also find ourselves spending time at family gatherings sitting amid strained relationships, family drama, and even family trauma.  All of that would be stressful enough without alcohol or drugs present, but family gatherings and workplace gatherings will often have the alcohol available and flowing.  When you mix stress, family, and alcohol, it’s not surprising that anyone relapses at the holidays.  Still, it’s not a requirement. 

Tips for Managing Triggers Around the Holidays

The first step in managing your triggers is knowing what they are. Often the work we do in recovery helps us to learn these triggers.  Whether in rehab, therapy, or in recovery groups, we spend time and effort examining the things that may have contributed to our drug use. However, it’s common for us to discover some of our triggers at the moment we experience them. It is those triggers that pop up unexpectedly that can catch us off guard and require a plan. You might be wondering how you plan for something that you don’t know will happen, and that’s fair.  But let’s be honest, we all know we are going to be triggered at the holidays. Getting sober doesn’t create a problem-free world for us, only the ability to deal with it sober. 


Staying sober at the holidays is much like staying sober at any other time.  You need to have a plan. Most important, you must always have an exit strategy.  If at all possible, take your own car or plan your own transportation so that you can exit when it’s needed. If you’re traveling to see relatives or friends during the holidays, you may not be able to remove yourself from the situation entirely, so you need coping strategies.  Make a list of things you can do to reset yourself when you’re feeling stressed.  You might go for a quick walk, find a quiet place to meditate for a moment, practice box breathing, make a mental gratitude list, or even just go into the bathroom to take a break. Finally, remember that you have likely built a support system of other folks in recovery, and a quick call to talk can change everything. 


Avoiding Relapse With the Help of Laguna View Detox

Maybe you’ve decided that you need extra help during the holidays this year.  At Laguna View Detox, we have a wide variety of programs to support you. We have the tools and expertise to enable you to make it through the holidays without relapsing.  However, if you find that you’ve relapsed, we’re also here to help you get back on the road to recovery.  We provide luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in California. We are dedicated to seeing you succeed. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction! 

Rehab and Work: How to Manage the Two

Rehab and Work

Once you realize that you have a drug problem, you might find yourself trying to sort through the details of what comes next.  If you have a job, you may wonder if you can balance going to rehab and work at the same time.  Likewise, you may have family responsibilities or other commitments that you must consider when deciding how to address your drug addiction.  At Laguna View Detox, we understand that your life won’t stop while you’re getting clean, and we’re here to find solutions that work.

Can I Go to Rehab Without Quitting My Job?

Roughly ten percent of those who work full or part-time have a substance use disorder. The good news is that this means you’re not the first person seeking to balance rehab and work.  Many people who find themselves addicted to drugs and alcohol cannot simply quit their jobs to go work on getting sober.  In fact, many need to maintain their employment in order to maintain their health insurance to help to pay for rehab.  Most employers are more than well aware of the cost of hiring a new employee and training that employee; that’s good news for you.  Many employers are more interested in working with a current employee than having to train someone new.

Tips for Talking to My Employer About My Addiction 

The steps you take in talking to your employer about your addiction will depend somewhat on the size of the company.  If your company is large enough to have a Human Resources Department, you may want to start there.  The Human Resources Department will be more versed in the procedure for your requesting a leave of absence or taking leave intermittently to attend treatment. You may also want to involve your manager in the discussion.  If your company is not large enough to have a Human Resources Department, you will start with your manager. Depending on the size of the company and the length of your employment, you may be entitled to protection under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).  FMLA will help to protect your job while you attend rehab.

Regardless of the size of your company, the discussion may be complicated by any current problems you are having at work.  Current performance or attendance problems will not disappear simply by going to rehab.  However, admitting that you have a drug addiction and explaining that you are seeking help for your addiction may go a long way with many employers. It’s important to note that if you are applying for protection under FMLA, you may be required to tell your employer why you need the time off, but your employer is not allowed to share that information with your coworkers.  Sharing this information would be a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It’s also important to note that once you have completed rehab and are sober, you are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  No employer can discriminate against you based on past drug use; they can however take action based on current drug use. 

How Laguna View Detox Can Help

At Laguna View Detox, we understand the importance of maintaining your employment while seeking treatment.  We allow our clients access to their cell phones and computers to remain in contact with work.  You can keep your job while you get round the clock care at one of the leading drug rehab centers in Orange County. Our luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment center is located in one of the most beautiful areas in California. We are dedicated to helping you succeed in sobriety. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!  

Drug and Alcohol Detox: Don’t Do It Alone

dont detox alone

It is often said that the first step in getting sober is to accept that you have a problem.  While that’s true, another essential first step is drug and alcohol detox.  Addiction is a disease that affects us mentally, spiritually and physically. Before you can begin to work on how to live a life without drugs and alcohol, you have to rid your body of the substances.  Detox can be difficult and even dangerous because your body has become dependent on these substances to function. As you remove the substances, your body may fight back.  Laguna View Detox is here to help you detox in a safe and supervised manner so that you’re ready to start your new life in recovery. 

What Is Drug and Alcohol Detox?

Drug and alcohol detox can be thought of as the bridge between using and getting treatment.  The symptoms you experience during detox and their severity will depend on many factors.  The drugs you have been using, the length of time you have been using, your overall health, and how many times you have detoxed will all impact detox. Supervised drug and alcohol detox allows for a medical professional to safely manage your detox symptoms; it can be done on an inpatient or outpatient basis depending on the predicted severity of the withdrawal.  

Why You Shouldn’t Detox Alone

Detoxing from drugs and alcohol alone can be dangerous because we don’t know how to detox from drugs and alcohol.  Some may try weaning themselves off by tapering their use, but often do not find success. Without professional help, we would be left to our own willpower which may not hold when our body starts to fight against the process. Withdrawing from drugs and alcohol can be fatal and alcohol is the most dangerous from which to withdraw.  Withdrawal can be very stressful for our bodies. Many who have tried to quit using drugs and alcohol have great difficulty in overcoming the physical aspects of the withdrawal process. Sadly, each time we put our bodies through withdrawal we increase the stress we’re putting on our body. By detoxing in a supervised environment, you can protect your health and increase your chances of successfully moving onto sobriety. 

Withdrawal symptoms range from minor discomforts such as sweating to life-threatening delirium tremens. You may experience many different symptoms including:


  • Increased heart rate
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Muscle Pain
  • Itchiness
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Anxiety
  • Delirium

A medical professional monitoring and treating your symptoms can likely prevent your symptoms from increasing in severity. In a detox facility, health care providers can prescribe and administer medications that will help your body get through withdrawal more safely.  It may seem odd to take medications to get clean, but these medications are life-saving. The goal of medical detox is to get you through withdrawal as safely as possible. 

Benefits of Detoxing at Laguna View Detox

When you detox off drugs and alcohol at Laguna View Detox, you can feel safe.  We will regularly monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and detox symptoms as your body clears itself of the drugs and alcohol.  Additionally, we have the tools and expertise to manage your withdrawal more comfortably so that you’re ready to begin the rest of your treatment.  You will get round the clock care at one of the leading drug rehab centers in Orange County. We provide luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in California. We are dedicated to helping you detox safely and seeing you succeed. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!  

The Benefits of Group Therapy for Substance Abuse

The Benefits of Group Therapy for Substance Abuse

Group therapy can take on several forms during substance abuse treatment.  Group therapy for substance abuse may be a group of individuals seeking treatment; alternatively, it may be the family group of the individual seeking treatment.  Alternatively, group therapy can also be used for addictions that are behavior-related such as gaming, gambling, and sexual addictions. Group therapy can also be instrumental in working through grief or developing social skills.  At Laguna View Detox, we believe that group therapy plays a vital role in substance abuse treatment. 

What Is Group Therapy? 

In the simplest terms, group therapy is a form of treatment in which a group of individuals meets together to discuss their problems with a therapist. While there is no set number of individuals, group therapy typically includes 5 to 15 people.  Group therapy can target a particular problem such as substance abuse, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, or other health issue. Group therapy enables patients to hear the experiences of others and also provides a platform for problem-solving. This listening and problem-solving can be instrumental in family group therapy as a family works to create their life after active addiction.  It is interesting to note that family therapy may occur with only one family or can be done with multiple families to allow everyone to share their struggles and possibly problem-solve together. 

How Does Group Therapy Heal Addiction? 

Group therapy may be formal, as with the presence of a licensed therapist described above, or it can be more informal, as with 12-step group meetings or grief support groups. Addiction group therapy enables those suffering from addiction to see that they are not alone in their addiction. Merely being able to see others struggling in the same way can help to lighten the burdens of addiction. By talking with others who may have seen and done the things you did while in active addiction, you will know that you are not alone.  Addiction can take us to dark places, and we shed light by sharing our stories with others in a therapeutic environment.  There is a saying in 12-step recovery that we are only as sick as the secrets that we keep. Group therapy allows us to release our secrets in a safe and supportive environment to continue to become healthier versions of ourselves.  Many of us in addiction find ourselves relatively isolated by the time we seek treatment, and group therapy can be a bridge back to interacting with others again. 

Can You Continue Group Therapy After Rehab?

Group therapy can be a part of your treatment plan after rehab.  Whether this is through attendance at formal group therapy with a licensed therapist, attendance at recovery meetings or a combination of the two, group therapy can play an essential role in your recovery. As you develop a new sober life, group therapy can provide a support network and some structure. Life after rehab can be difficult, and group therapy can provide a place of sanctuary while you’re navigating those early days. 

Get Help Today at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, you will get round the clock holistic care for your addiction.  We are one of the leading drug rehab centers in California. We provide luxurious, individualized inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in Southern California. We remain dedicated to helping you get and stay sober.  We help you succeed by providing you with the care you need while you’re with us and setting you up for continued success with our aftercare. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!  

Pros and Cons of Getting Sober With Your Partner

pros and cons of couples drug rehab in california

You and your partner do everything together, and now you’ve realized you both have a problem with drugs and alcohol. After taking some time to review your options, you both decide it’s time to get sober, which is great news!  The bad news is that your collective drug and alcohol use has likely caused or deepened problems within your relationship.  It can feel overwhelming to begin working on getting sober and working through a relationship in crisis at the same time. You might be wondering if couples can go to rehab together.  At our Southern California rehab, the answer is yes, and we’re happy to welcome you to our couples’ drug rehab in California. 

Can Couples Go to Rehab Together?

The short answer is yes; couples can go to rehab together.  Couples’ drug rehab enables you to support each other through rehab.  Recovering from addiction is hard.  Recovering from addiction within a relationship adds layers to the recovery process.  Couples’ drug rehab positions you both to get the individual treatment that you need without having to go to separate facilities.  You will be able to work through the different phases of early sobriety at your own pace and also find opportunities to connect in a therapeutic setting. You know how your addiction has affected you personally; coed rehabs in California will help you both to see how your addictions have affected the other. 

Pros of Rehabs That Take Couples

Relationships are hard enough without adding the chaos that is often caused by drug and alcohol use.  Getting treatment for your addiction while working together on your relationship will help you and your partner build a solid foundation for sobriety.  By going to rehab together, you will understand what the other has experienced from detox to discharge.  You will likely not progress in precisely the same way, but you will develop common ground in rehab.  Instead of sharing your active addictions, you can learn to share your sobriety as a part of your relationship. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that couples who engaged in therapy together reported greater success in staying sober, improved relationships, and better family lives. Couples’ drug rehab also enables you to formulate a post-rehab recovery plan for continued sobriety and work through relationship difficulties. 


Cons of Couples’ Rehab

Going to couples’ alcohol or drug rehab is not always the answer.  It is an important decision that requires an honest assessment of what you need from rehab.  Some may find that gender-specific rehab is more suitable because of past traumas or other circumstances. Others may suffer from mental health disorders that require more intensive and personalized therapy. You may find that you need rehab to provide you with a sanctuary from your relationship so that you can focus on your own healing before you begin to work on your relationship.  Attending rehab together may make you feel pressured to remain in your relationship, even if it is not the best decision for your sobriety and well-being. 


Get Free From Drugs at Our Couples’ Rehab in California

At Laguna View Detox, we know how to equip you to free yourself from addiction.  At our luxury facility, you will get round the clock holistic care for your addiction.  We are one of the leading drug rehab centers in California. We provide luxurious, individualized inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in Southern California. We remain dedicated to helping you detox safely and seeing you succeed by providing you with the care you need while you’re with us and setting you up for success with our aftercare. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction.   

Is Drug Addiction a Mental Illness? Dual Diagnosis Explained

dual diagnosis explained

Addiction can be hard to understand.  Beyond understanding the disease, the terminology is always changing.  Is someone an alcoholic, an addict, or both?  Do they have a substance use disorder?  And, how does all of this relate to mental illness? It can be complicated and the best place to start may be in understanding the terminology.  At Laguna View Detox, we help you navigate the terminology, the disease, and any related mental health conditions. 

Addiction Explained

Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by an individual repeatedly engaging in the use of a substance despite the risks or the consequences.  While we typically think of drugs when we talk about addiction, individuals may be addicted to behaviors as well.  Drug addiction is also referred to as a substance use disorder. 


Alcoholism Explained

Alcoholism, as defined by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is “a progressive illness which can be cured but which, like some other diseases, can be arrested.”  AA and its members view alcoholism as a combination of spiritual, emotional, and physical illness. 


Mental Illness Explained

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines mental illness as a “diagnosable mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder of sufficient duration to cause serious functional impairment in major life activities.” SAMHSA expressly excludes substance use disorders and addiction from its definition of mental illness.  However, the National Institute of Mental Health categorizes addiction as a mental illness. So, is drug addiction a mental illness?  The short answer is it depends who you are asking. The more complex answer is that addiction and mental health disorders are interrelated.  


How Drug Addiction and Mental Illness Are Related

About half of those who are diagnosed with a mental illness will also experience a substance use disorder. In many cases, individuals may self-medicate their mental health disorders with drugs or alcohol. Sometimes the mental health disorder has not been diagnosed.  Other times, the individual has not been able to connect with the treatment needed including therapy and medication.  Alternatively, we may find ourselves not liking the side effects of the medications prescribed for a mental health disorder and self-medicate with alcohol or drugs instead. Often mental health disorders such as anxiety can be a factor in the substance use that leads to addiction. Likewise, substance use and addiction can contribute to the development of mental health disorders. Many times, a diagnosis cannot be made until the individual has detoxed from drugs and alcohol. 


Dual Diagnosis Explained

Dual diagnosis is simply a term to explain that an individual who suffers from addiction also has a co-occurring mental health disorder.  Research shows that there is a high percentage of individuals who suffer from addiction and have a mental illness. This may include depression, anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), personality disorders, or bipolar disorders. Trauma, genetics and stress are risk factors for both addiction and mental health disorders. At Laguna View Detox, we have the resources to help you detox safely so that you can move on to identifying and addressing any co-occurring mental health disorders. 


Get Help Today at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, you will get round the clock holistic care for your addiction.  We are one of the leading drug rehab centers in California. We provide luxurious, individualized inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in Southern California. We remain dedicated to helping you detox safely and seeing you succeed by providing you with the care you need while you’re with us and setting you up for success with our aftercare. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!  

Kick Drugs & Alcohol at a Southern California Detox

drug detox california

Once you decide to quit using drugs and alcohol, you might find yourself asking how to stop. Addiction is a mental and physical disease that requires treatment methods that take this into account. Over time, you may have relied on drugs and alcohol to cope with uncomfortable feelings. Your body has also likely become dependent on the drugs and alcohol you’ve been feeding it and may not respond well when you stop. If your body fights back against your quitting, you may find yourself looking for an Orange County detox to help you through the withdrawal.

There are several approaches to addiction treatment and most start with medical detox. Addressing the physical aspect of drug addiction first allows us to move onto the mental side of addiction with our bodies cleared of drugs. First, we free the body of the drugs, and then we work with the mind. Laguna View Detox offers a full range of addiction treatment that begins with medical detox in Orange County.

How Does a Medical Detox Help With Drug Addiction?

Detox is not a treatment to stop using drugs and alcohol, but it is an essential first step to becoming free of drugs and alcohol. Medical detox is, simply put, the body clearing itself of the drugs and alcohol under the supervision of a medical professional. The symptoms and severity of detoxing depend on the drugs you have been using, the length of time you have been using, the amount you have been using, and your overall health. Seeking treatment at a Southern California detox allows you to be monitored by a medical professional and detox safely.

How to Know If You Might Need Inpatient Medical Detox

Withdrawal from drugs and alcohol can be taxing to our bodies. Symptoms can range from minor discomfort to life-threatening conditions. Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle pain, increased heart rate, sweating, seizures, and more. Many who have tried to quit using drugs and alcohol find the withdrawal process to be a massive hurdle to overcome. If you have been unable to stop in the past, inpatient treatment may offer you a path to success. Detoxing at a Southern California detox can provide peace of mind that your symptoms are closely monitored to avoid unnecessary medical complications. Additionally, Laguna View Detox has the expertise to allow your withdrawal to progress more comfortably and empower you to be better prepared to begin the rest of your treatment.

What to Expect When Going to Detox in Southern California

You can expect to have your blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, and temperature regularly monitored during detox. Because the withdrawal process can sometimes lead to serious medical complications, this regular monitoring is crucial. It allows us to see how your body responds and administer medications that will help your body get through withdrawal. These medications will help your body to relax and may cause some drowsiness. It may seem strange that we’re giving you medicine to help you stop using drugs and alcohol, but rest assured, it’s for your safety. Our goal during medical detox is to help your body get through the process as comfortably and safely as possible so that you will be ready to move on to the rest of your treatment.

Get Help Today at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, you will get round the clock care for your addiction. We are one of the leading drug rehab centers in Southern California. We provide luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in California. We are dedicated to helping you detox safely and seeing you succeed. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!

What Is Narcotics Anonymous?

narcotics anonymous

What is Narcotics Anonymous? or should we say: What is NA? NA does seem like a collective name for recently discovered narcotics. Is it?

Either way, NA describes a non-profit society or fellowship of people – and not of narcotics. So, what people are a part of this fellowship? Why do these people call themselves Narcotics Anonymous? What are the benefits of attending NA meetings? 

At Laguna View Detox, encourage you to keep reading to find the answers to all of your questions about NA!

What Is NA?

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step, nonprofit, mutual-help organization. It is the second-largest of such an organization, only after Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).

Unlike AA, which only helps alcoholics, NA extends its services to people suffering from various substance abuse disorders

How Does Narcotics Anonymous Help?

NA offers its members a fellowship (for free!). Members attend a series of NA meetings that help them achieve long term sobriety. NA uses a 12-step model for the structure of the meetings. The main concepts of the model, as summarized by a resource on Naadac, are as follows:

  • Surrender
  • Self-centeredness
  • Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness

In the end, the goal of NA is for members to accept their flaws, learn to live anew, and help others like themselves. The key to lifetime recovery from drugs and alcohol. 

Who Should Go to NA?

There are two types of NA meetings: open and closed. Open meetings allow entry to everyone, people who are addicted to drugs or now. Non-addicts are welcomed and even encouraged to come and support their loved ones. 


The closed meetings, on the other hand, are for addicts and recovering addicts. Even at that, Narcotics Anonymous closed gatherings are not for everyone suffering from substance abuse. How so?

NA is a nonprofit and free with no hidden due or agenda. There is also only one requirement for joining Narcotics Anonymous: the desire to stop using drugs. 

So, back to the question: who should go to NA? Anyone who is looking to quit using drugs! There are no special requirements other than the one mentioned above; the desire to stop using drugs.NA is a non-judgmental and welcoming environment.  NA remains a non-judgmental and welcoming environment.

What Are the Benefits of Joining NA?

  • Support

One of the biggest benefits of joining Narcotics Anonymous is having the support of other recovering addicts. Members of NA are encouraged to find a sponsor to meet with and go through the 12-steps. A sponsor is someone you can call day or night, almost like a sobriety buddy. 

Aside from a sponsor, NA attendees receive support from the people around them at every meeting they go too. During every meeting, members will speak and share about their experiences using drugs. 

  •  NA Meetings Are Free and Accessible

Members don’t pay to join NA or attend any of its meetings. The best part yet is that Narcotics Anonymous meetings hold in virtually any place – community centers, libraries, parks, and even hospitals. For that reason, Narcotics Anonymous meetings are accessible to all.

Does NA Work?

Participation in groups like NA after addiction treatment can help maintain long term recovery. Research shows that the more a recovery addict frequents NA meetings, the more they will refrain from drug use. While there is no perfect solution for maintaining sobriety, and it’s important that recovery addicts take their recovery a day at a time, 12-step groups like NA have been proven to help addicts maintain sobriety. 

Seek Recovery at Laguna View Detox

No one should have to battle drug addiction alone. At Laguna View Detox, we offer addiction treatment in an intimate, luxury setting. We offer detox, inpatient treatment, and comprehensive aftercare services for all of our clients. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, please contact us today!  

Motivational Interviewing for Substance Abuse

motivational interviewing

It’s common for a person to not realize they are addicted to drugs or alcohol. Or maybe they’re aware, but aren’t aware of the severity of the problem. It’s also common for some people to want to seek recovery from drugs and alcohol, and for others to not want to change. 

Regardless of whether you feel recovery is impossible or possible, at Laguna View Detox we’re here to tell you recovery is indeed possible for all. Motivational interviewing is one of the many addiction treatment techniques we utilize at our facility. Alcohol and drugs interfere with the health and thought patterns of addicts. Substance abuse can also impact an addict’s ability to see things and understand their purpose clearly.

As a result, family members often find themselves arguing with loved ones who aren’t able to acknowledge their addiction. There are certain cases where if an addict feels too pressured to change, they may not want to pursue sobriety. With motivational interviewing for substance abuse, the focus is on supporting addicts to examine their behavior rather than changing it immediately.

What Is Motivational Interviewing?

Motivational interviewing is a counseling strategy that motivates clients to seek addiction treatment. Although it doesn’t focus on the causes of drug abuse or alcohol addiction, it’s usually used to support other treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy.

How Is Motivational Interviewing Used in Addiction Treatment?

Motivational interviewing can cause change in addicts who feel reluctant to seek help. Now how is it applied in addiction treatment? It is applied through four, client-centered processes.  

Dr. Miller and Rollnick formulated these processes to assist addicts in knowing their goals so that they can start working towards achieving them. They include:

  • Engaging

Developing a strong and reliable relationship with an addict is imperative to work towards their self-realized goals. This alliance is strengthened through respect and centered on the addict’s strengths. 

  • Focus

In this phase, the therapist helps the addict determine what they would like to achieve during and after treatment. Knowing this vital detail will help the therapist create sessions that suit the addict and help him or her find the will to change.

  • Evoking

The evoking phase of motivational interviewing for substance abuse involves discovering the addict’s drive for change. After knowing their focus, the therapist will discuss the reasons they want to recover.

During this stage, the treatment professional stresses the need for change and increases the confidence that change does occur.

  • Planning

This phase is the most important since it helps foster long-term recovery.

The planning process involves building the knowledge and skills so that addicts can prepare for the journey ahead.

During this phase, the therapist will use his or her knowledge to offer guidance and coping techniques without imposing and pulling down the addict’s sense of empowerment. This helps the addict develop a plan that they trust and feel driven to stick with.

Motivational Interviewing Substance Abuse Techniques

Motivational interviewing substance abuse techniques are founded on client-centered counseling strategies. The techniques are as follows:

  • Ask open-ended questions

These kinds of questions allow for two-way communication to discourage addicts from giving single-phase or word answers. The questions make the addict talk and help the treatment specialist to avoid uttering judging statements.

Examples include:

  • What do you think about getting clean?
  • Why do you feel you need to stop using or drinking?
  • What interests you about doing drugs or drinking?
  • What worries you about alcohol addiction?
  • Listening

When an addict talks, the treatment specialist listens attentively and makes reflective responses that make them (the addict) feel that the therapist understood them. The reflective statements also evoke responses from the addict.

  • Affirming

A substance abuse treatment specialist can also affirm an addict’s challenges to prove that they understand the addict’s perspective. Affirming correctly and at the appropriate time, increases trust and helps the addict believe in his or her strength to change. 

  • Summarizing

A therapist summarizes previous conversations at the start or end of a session to ensure they (the addicts) understand any inconsistencies.

  • Evoking self-motivating statements

During every session, therapists evoke self-motivational statements, letting addicts understand that life can get better without drugs or alcohol. Therapists can elicit these statements through reflective responses, asserting statements, and nonverbal signals.

Find a Treatment Center That Uses Motivational Interviewing

Laguna View Detox understands the value of applying motivational interviewing substance abuse techniques. And we use this therapy method to motivate addicts to go for treatment.  

In addition to motivational interviewing for substance abuse, our treatment center offers adventure therapy, detoxification, relapse prevention, sober outings, SMART Recovery, and so much more.

Contact us now to begin your journey to lasting recovery.

How Inpatient Drug Rehab Facilities Work

how inpatient rehab work

Inpatient rehab facilities are dotted around the country, filled with staff and fellow addicts willing to help you through the journey to recovery. 

Your addiction doesn’t just affect your life; it also affects your family and loved ones. The first step to regaining control over your life and to break free from addiction is seeking professional help. It can be a tough step to take, but it will bring you halfway down the road of recovery.  

If you’re reading this article, it is either you’re an addict trying to figure out what getting help requires or you’re a friend trying to determine if your loved one would have a better chance in an inpatient rehab facility. 

Laguna View Detox would like to take this time to explain what inpatient rehab is; it’s benefits, and how to know if it’s the best choice for you. Let’s get right into it, shall we?

What Is an Inpatient Rehab Facility?

An inpatient rehab facility is a rehabilitation center that offers intensive 24-hour medical care, emotional support, treatment, and isolation from the world. 

Inpatient rehab facilities give addicts a chance to begin their recovery outside the influence of their daily triggers. Being removed from your old surroundings is one of its biggest advantages. For many addicts, going with the inpatient option is the best way to begin your journey to recovery.

How Do Inpatient Rehab Facilities Work?

Inpatient rehab facility offers services like detoxification, individual and group therapy, and medication. You get to enjoy every benefit the treatment program offers, including living with your doctors. Awesome, right? 

People who are addicted to substances with potentially dangerous alcohol withdrawal symptoms would benefit from 24-hour inpatient care. This way, your doctor will monitor your progress carefully. The same can be applied with other substances as well. 

Laguna View Detox provides all of our clients with sleep accommodations, meals, therapies, and activities, such as yoga and beach outings. We work hard to make the environment of our inpatient rehab facility therapeutic, comfortable, luxurious, and safe. 

Average Length of Inpatient Treatment

A typical inpatient treatment program lasts 28 days, although there are programs that can last 6 months or even years. It all depends on the addict and their addiction. Some addicts benefit greatly from 28 days of inpatient treatment, and others benefit from more time away. After inpatient treatment, there are also many options to pursue for recovery, such as outpatient treatment. 

How to Know If You Need Inpatient Care 

Not every person with an addiction or substance abuse issue requires inpatient addiction treatment. So, how do you know if you need it? Answering the following questions will help you know if you might benefit from inpatient rehab: 

  • Do I feel like I can handle the triggers/stressors in my everyday life without using drugs or alcohol? 
  • Have I tried to stop using drugs and alcohol unsuccessfully?  
  • Can I control my urges to take more drugs?
  • Do I feel like my surroundings contribute to my addiction?

Our staff at our inpatient rehab understands what you’re going through and has one common goal: sobriety. Inpatient rehab facilities are a great place for addicts to support one another and build. 

No doubt, the beginning stages of recovery can be difficult. However, with the support of a community of people who have either gone through the same struggles as you, or are going through the same struggles, will make recovery much easier to attain and sustain. 

Get Help Today at Laguna View Detox

At Laguna View Detox, you will get round the clock care for your addiction.  We are one of the leading inpatient drug rehab facilities in Southern California. We provide top of the line, luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas. We are dedicated to seeing you win. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!