Once you decide to get sober, you may be wondering how to get sober and stay sober. The answer can seem simple; all you need to do is stop drinking and using drugs. However, simple does not always mean easy. Fortunately, there are many different paths and a lot of resources available to you in your journey. Exploring these paths is actually a part of the trip, but it can seem overwhelming. You might find that you have more questions than answers. Should you go to treatment? Do you have to go live at treatment? What does intensive outpatient treatment mean? At Laguna View Detox, we are here to help guide you as you learn about the different methods and strategies to get and stay sober.
How to Get Sober
Once you decide to get sober, the first step is getting the drugs and alcohol out of your body. Depending on how long you have been using, what you have been using, and if you have previously detoxed, you may need to detox under medical supervision. Detoxing can be very hard on the body, and doing it under supervision is the safest way. Once you have detoxed, you’ll want to start working on staying clean. Many people in early sobriety either attend treatment, attend recovery meetings, or attend both. Treatment is often available on either a residential or outpatient basis at differing levels of intensity. The length of treatment will vary depending on your particular situation. You may find that you begin with detox, move on to residential treatment, and continue in an outpatient program so that you have additional support in early recovery. Not everyone’s journey into addiction is the same, which means that everyone’s journey into recovery is just a little bit different. The vital step is admitting that you have a problem and seeking help. Once you’ve done that, the details of how will sort themselves out.
How Do You Stay Sober?
Staying sober is an entirely different prospect than getting sober. It’s about maintaining your sobriety and your recovery, and that can feel less exciting somehow. It’s a bit like weight loss or getting in shape. If you’ve been out of shape or overweight, many people will comment when you lose weight and get into shape. They’ll notice the transformation and compliment you for it, but they likely won’t continue to applaud you as you maintain the changes. Staying sober can feel a bit like that. Everyone might be so happy when you get sober, and they may congratulate you for your efforts. However, they won’t come to congratulate you every day or week for staying sober, and this is why it’s crucial for you to have a strong recovery program, including a relapse prevention plan. Many who suffer from addiction find that regularly attending recovery meetings is a critical part of their continued sobriety. In addition to attending meetings, it is essential to have a support network. Some individuals in recovery also find it helpful to live in a sober living house.
Ways Laguna View Detox Can Help You Stay Sober
At Laguna View Detox, we have a wide variety of programs to support you in your journey to and in sobriety. With our experienced, professional staff on your treatment team, you’ll learn the different ways to get sober and stay sober. We provide luxurious, inpatient rehab treatment in one of the most beautiful areas in sunny Southern California. We are dedicated to seeing you succeed, and our programs will take you from detox to aftercare. Contact us today and let us help you with your addiction!